I created this application to have my students "apply" for the job of iPad Expert (or Manager). I seriously had the cutest responses ever. I had one girl write that she wanted this job because it would be her first job ever, and she said that if she were to be hired, it would give her experience for later in life for more jobs. After handing out applications to whomever wanted one, I then "interviewed" the applicants. This was such a great way to incorporate writing and justifying in the classroom. I was able to see who actually wanted the job bad enough to fill out the 2 page application! Again, while I was interviewing students, I got some pretty adorable responses. I asked one girl if her parents knew that she listed them as references and what they thought about it. She said that her parents thought she was too young for a job, but they were happy for her anyway. Too cute! :-)
Check out my version at my TpT store, or feel free to use this idea in your own classroom. It's a great tool, and you will be highly amused by the responses you get! Click HERE or click the picture below.