Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Busy Busy Teacher's Life :-)

Not that I'm assuming anyone out there in the blogging world is waiting with bated breath for my next post haha, but I did realize today that I haven't blogged since last Thursday, and I just wanted to assure everyone that I haven't forgotten about you all, but this week is just flying by somehow!! :-) Anyway, here is a confession. I have a couple of students with some serious behavioral and emotional issues, and some of the fits that they throw (never at the same time - it's like they tag team them) are very "trying." As in I "try" to stay calm and zen-like, and while I do succeed (98% of the time), I have been searching like a madlady for ideas to use to help them. One of the things I try to emphasize is that it is ok to be frustrated/mad/upset/etc..., but how you deal with that and express it is important. One of the kids gets upset over anything and everything, and it's like trying to play Minesweeper as far as guessing what will set him off. Anyway, while my school and district have provided support, I am still needing something more. Pinterest has been an awesome source of calm down ideas like the glitter jar and other sensory activities, but I need some just plain old strategies. That is where you all come in. I am going to try to make some "choice cards" for what to do/strategies for when he gets mad. For instance, "When I am mad, I can count to 10." So what do you all think? What are some good/appropriate strategies/choices for kiddos to choose when they are upset or angry? I will be happy to share the choice cards when I'm completed, but I'm just trying to get some ideas right now!!! :-)
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  1. I have two extra special friends this year. One of them does well with ME moves, tracing pathways with his fingers. He can't think about what he's mad about because he needs to concentrate on following the pathways. Another guy is becoming increasingly verbal as a second grader after years of not expressing himself except physically. He was upset when I pulled out his classmates names. Asking why, he told me that he wanted to pick. He didn't even want a turn at the activity, just a chance to pick the stick of the next person. I can do that. He doesn't like to be anything but line leader because he is afraid of being left behind. We compromised and he is our second in line person. We've also noticed that the barometer seems to affect him, so I had someone show me how to do joint compressions on his hands. You should see his smile! A tattle box for things that are bothering them or tell it to a stuffed animal or picture of the president might also be helpful. Good luck!

  2. Thank you so much for your ideas! The joint compression thing is very interesting to me. Well I will post my calm down/anger cards soon. Thanks again for the feedback! :-)

    Confessions of a Primary Teacher


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