We are getting ready to teach timelines in a few weeks. Timelines can be kind of tricky to teach and introduce to 1st and 2nd graders, but they can be a lot of fun also. I normally teach timelines around Thanksgiving to go with our Native American unit, but we didn't have time this year, so we are doing it in the spring instead.
For this 1st grade unit, we will be doing a timeline of holidays around the year, we'll be making a class school year timeline all together (of important events that have happened this year), a timeline of the school day, and child's timeline of their past, present, and future (found on pinterest), and then students will be making timelines of their own lives to present to the class. We will also be reading different timelines and practicing how to use them and read them. I created a powerpoint presentation to introduce the concept. I am going to upload it on here, but it is not converting my cutesy fonts, so if you'd like a copy, just e-mail me! :-) Have a terrific week this week!
I also uploaded this as a pdf, so here is the link for the pdf: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B5iECqL9FXwzNDdiNjgxZDYtNWEyOC00OTAzLTkzNTctOGVhN2YyMDRlMmEy
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Thank you so much! We're homeschooling and are trying to figure out how to teach timelines. This is perfect! :)